Dogs and Fireworks
Some quick tips on how to help your pup during fireworks:
- Never take them with you to an event where there are Fireworks
- Plan to stay home with them
- Console them
- Play soothing music
- Don’t try and remove them from their hiding spot, they have found a place that makes them
feel safe, I usually join my pup there. - Thunder shirts, help by applying pressure that they instinctively seek
This is their final words on the above:
“The old notion about consoling a terrified pet only serving to reinforce fear is not
true. You can’t reinforce such a powerful emotion. In fact, some pets can be calmed
just by us paying attention and using soothing words. Soothing our pets when they
are fearful can help them feel more comfortable in the moment but kindness alone
rarely solves the problem. Seek assistance from a reputable behavior specialist who
utilizes Fear Free techniques.”
This article was reviewed/edited by board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Kenneth Martin and/or veterinary technician specialist in behavior Debbie Martin, LVT.